There are many causes of vision loss and eye diseases such as exposure to electronic devices, polluted air, dust, toxic stressful working environment, systemic diseases. … makes the eyes no longer able to self-regulate. Chances are that you are a victim of some common eye diseases such as: glaucoma, cataracts, retinal diseases or worse, cataracts, macular
Sugar is a disease that is becoming more and more common, especially the disease is getting younger. Complications of the disease cause damage to various organs such as the heart, brain, kidneys, eyes, peripheral nerves, and motor organs. small size and tissue degeneration due to poor nutrition.
In the eyes, diabetes indirectly or directly causes many very serious complications such as diabetic retinopathy, central retinal vein occlusion, glaucoma, cataracts… After having diabetes about approx. 5 years is the onset of eye complications. What is especially dangerous is that most people with diabetes don’t have any eye symptoms until they suddenly lose their vision. At that time, even with very aggressive and expensive treatment, the ability to preserve vision is very small, most patients will be permanently blind. Therefore, patients with diabetes need to have regular eye exams, preferably every 6 months and be examined by an ophthalmologist. If detected and treated early, serious consequences can be avoided.
Hypertension without proper treatment, uncontrolled blood pressure will causing complications in many parts such as: brain, heart, kidney, retina of the eye… In the eye damage can be: bleeding in the eye, blockage of blood vessels in the eye, papilledema… force. If retinal vein occlusion causes stagnation, substances in blood vessels seep into the retina, causing retinal edema, loss of vision. At that time, the patient suddenly had blurred vision, saw the phenomenon of flying flies with many black spots flying in front of his eyes. Because when the retinal vein occlusion, it will produce new blood vessels that are very fragile, causing bleeding inside the eye, creating the phenomenon of flies. The patient also had pain due to glaucoma. If not treated early, it will cause complications: glaucoma, bleeding in the eye, retinal detachment, blindness. However, these complications are all preventable if detected and treated early. People with hypertension should have regular fundus examinations to prevent complications and to monitor the progression of the disease.
Dengue fever
In the eye complications of dengue fever, there are 2 types that can make the patient suddenly blind without causing eye pain, nor red eyes, that is:
Retinal hemorrhage: The blood vessels of the When the retina is damaged, blood seeps up into thin layers that cover the front of the retina. In those obscured places, the patient cannot see things. Decreased visual acuity.
Vitreous hemorrhage: When a blood vessel in the eye bursts, blood spills into the vitreous chamber, obscuring objects in front of the eye. At this point, the patient’s eyes are only darkness; When you raise your hand in front of your eyes, the patient can only see the shadow of the hand, but cannot distinguish the fingers.
Before the bleeding complication in the eyeball of dengue fever, the patient should go to an ophthalmology clinic for timely treatment, because the treatment of intraocular hemorrhage is only effective if the patient comes to the hospital. hospital soon.
Nervous system diseases
A number of diseases in the nervous system such as pituitary gland tumor, brain tumor, cerebrovascular accident, other diseases of the skull, etc. can cause disturbances in vision and visual field. . Patients find that their eyes have symptoms that are not good, blurred vision or narrowing of the field of vision, sometimes not clearly perceived. Visiting eye examination at specialized facilities with advanced machines, fundus examination to detect abnormalities of the optic nerve, and automatic detection of visual field defects will allow orientation to brain damage. For an accurate diagnosis, the patient will be required to have a CT scan or MRI of the brain. When the correct damage is detected, the patient will be transferred to a specialized medical facility for timely treatment. In fact, many patients with eye exams accidentally discover disease in the brain, pituitary gland. Or patients who come to the doctor because of blurred vision are discovered these diseases.